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What are some standards of elevator maintenance in Changsha?

Release time: 2020-11-12 16:18:23

News source: Hunan Alpha Elevator Engineering Co., LTD

Changsha elevator maintenanceWhat are the standards of maintenance?

Elevator maintenance refers to the work of regularly inspecting, refueling, removing dust accumulation and debugging safety devices of the operating elevator components。Including non-destructive testing and lubrication maintenance of elevator traction wire rope。What is the implementation standard of elevator maintenance?Alpha elevator editor to the home to say:

1, always understand the operation of the elevator, stop the ladder maintenance must hang warning signs。
2. Prioritize emergencies。
3. The machine room, well, car top, pit and hall door, car door, car wall, and calling finger plate should be cleaned regularly to keep clean and hygienic。

4, the car lighting, emergency lights, alarm devices, buttons, controls, etc., to keep the function intact, no damage。

5, for the safety contact plate, photoelectric protection and other protection devices, the action should keep in line with the design requirements。
6, each floor outside the hall light, arrival bell and call button, fire, to keep the function intact。
7, hall door sliding block, forced door closing device, hall door upper and lower sill, to keep clean, the door smooth。
8, car door upper, lower sash, pulley, door knife assembly, door machine, etc., to keep the movement flexible, no percussion sound, noise。
9. Car top lighting, inspection box, safety window, emergency stop, safety clamp, overload device and other functions should be intact。
10, the sensor, well information device should be clean without damage, no broken line off-line phenomenon。
11, traction wire rope, rope head combination, governor wire rope, tension is suitable, no broken strands, slack phenomenon。
12, the accompanying cable without distortion, winding phenomenon, compensation chain device without slack and crash sound。
13, each limit, speed limit, extreme limit, etc., flexible action, reliable function。
14, traction machine, brake and motor, traction machine rope should be checked and cleaned in time。
15, the control cabinet inspection: over current device, short circuit protection, contactor, governor, safety clamp linkage, to observe in time, regular inspection, to carry out linkage test。
16, timely observe the lubrication system and oil level, according to the cycle of refueling。Remove oil leakage in time。
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